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'My Startpage' on the top navigation bar directly links to your Startpage on www.codifyspot.com, our companion website. Edit categories and add links to your categories (just login with your Codifypedia login details). It is a fun way to manage your backlinks. Do not forget to share your Startpage on social media.
https://www.codifyspot.com now includes a Startpages feature. Manage your custom Startpage with your Codifypedia account, as you can login on Codifyspot using your Codifypedia login details. With your Startpage you can build links on topics that are most relevant to you, nicely categorized. It should be noted that Startpages are a container knowledge type, based on the knowledge type creativity model. Just like Wikipedia articles and Methodologies.
Codiyspot.com now supports assessment of search items, originating from Codifypedia, based on knowledge criteria. Assessment data will be used in the future to feed the ranking algorithm.
When you choose to promote yourself on Codifyspot, your LinkedIn profile is no longer mandatory. So there is no more barrier in promoting yourself. If you decide to promote yourself, both your Codifyspot and Codifypedia Channels will be promoted. Optionally, you can add your LinkedIn profile and X profile.
Codifypedia has been updated. Based on the new update, you can add additional meta-data to your articles, depending on whether you integrate your content with the Codifyspot Search Engine. So when you click on Write new Article and select Article, you will find additional fields on the form. Use this to your benefit. Extend your social reach with Codifyspot.
The brand name MethodPlace has been changed to Codifyspot. Codifyspot is now the companion website of Codifypedia.
Codifypedia is now fully integrated with MethodPlace. Promote your content, your company, or yourself, on MethodPlace and expand your social reach. Simply go to Promote Company and select the tab most relevant to your needs.
Create a balanced Channel by combining different article types. Articles, group articles and exclusive content complement each other. Also post group microposts and youtube videos to enrich your channel. This will make it more likely that other users will subscribe to your channel.

Use the public timeline to your advantage with clever marketing.

Microposts are an alternative for Tweets.

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