Are two giant microwave powered V shaped propeller planes equipped with force fields and fighter drones going to be included in it too?
I think they're making it harder than it needs to be. Just use steel cable.
Step 1: Get a satellite in geostationary orbit.
Step 2: Rocket spools of steel wire up to it until it has the 35700km worth it needs to reach earth. Fasten each new spool to the last to make one long wire.
Step 3: Unroll the completed wire down to earth.
Step 4: Use "spider" robots to run new wire threads up to the satellite until you've created a massive steel cable under centrifugal tension.
Step 5: Build the space elevator using the cable as your foundation.
The force of the earth rotation,wind force at DIFFERENT altitudes, gravity fluctuations moon tides, total weight
You say carbon nanotubes, yeah carbon like coal and charcoal flammable substance
Every time we pass through the ozone does it cause damage?
Patrick Van Rinsvelt
I think the Shuttle did a test by reeling down a coffee can sized weight from the cargo bay. The wire was 10km long?
theres no military applications with just making carbon cables and elevators. there's a lot of military applications creating rocket engines for space and missiles
Andrew Johnson
Indeed possible, give it another 7000 years, give or take