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Scythia (Iranic music set to Scytho-Sarmatian imagery)

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Old Greek „Sarmpatia“ -> Sarbati, sharing mainly the same culture as Thracians and Illyrian, as evidences prove their homeland to be the Balkans, yet they get called „Iranian people“. 😂 Scythes -> скици (skitsi), those who wander around in Balkano-Slavic. Alternative Western fairy tales. 😌
i loved persia before the arabs conquerred it, before it was more unique. may god protect the orginal culture. are kurds the one that remained most close to it? thats a good video about the ancient persian warrior how it looked like during the ages https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l_GFuxNsFUE
The imagery, the music, I feel like i am spiritually reconnecting with something that was missing in my life.
Celtic - Germanic here, Scottish and Danish. My ancestors were Saka Scythians, a very long time ago. I still have their dark hair, many thousands of years later.
Basically, this music is an Islamic spiritual performance in the description of "Ali", the cousin of mohammed the Prophet of Islam, but the musical instruments like the "Tanbour" that you are listening to originally belonged to the "Scythians" and were mostly performed in religious ceremonies for their gods, which centuries later with the arrival of Islam to iran, their called it is the "symbol of mysticism"
Are Scythians related to Jats of India?
The scythian tribes were nomadic people mostly belongs to Eastern Iranian Sogdian Bacteria, parthian and my DNA explained that my lineage ancestry belongs to those glorious scythian tribes and I proud of them and say hello to all scythian children globally, and I thank and joyful from the father of history Herodotus that he introduced our beloved warier ancestors. and peace upon him finally, proud of to be the scythian tajik.
Is there anywhere that I can find the lyrics?
This is a Yarsani Kurdish song. Yarsanis are like Alewi Kurds a mix of Old Mithraistic and Islamic elements. They are together with the Yezidis ancient Kurdish religions. So makes sense that the song is about Ali (since Mithraism + Sufi shia Islam).
Sound like Uyghur folk music honestly
Kurds are Iranians only in language, they were originally Hurrians and then switched to Iranian. for example, the Romanians and the Spaniards, both of them speak languages originated from Latin but not the first, nor the second by the blood are not Romans and never have been
Armor and style looks similar to the old Bogatyrs of the Slavic tales. Once that war is over I hope we could learn more about Scythians. 3:34 is a depiction of them fighting
My Ancestors Im Gypsy and i know we are Scythians Sindi and Siyganne Tribe of great Scythia! We assimilated in India and rajsthan 700 Years became Rajputana warrios and then after defekt against Muhammed ghazvami we left in the year 900. The WE seperate and got in slavery also to Fight as SlaveWarriors for the Ottomans
I'm Kazan Tatar Sarmatian decendent 😂😂😂. I like this song

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