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Brexit has made Britain more multicultural, "less white" | Andrew Marr | The New Statesman

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Brexit hasn't done this the eu have.
Brilliant analysis, Andrew, thank you. It's just a tragedy we had to endure and still are enduring the disaster called Brexit!
Alternative für England ... don't give Farage ideas 🤣
That was a thoughtful and balanced argument - until the end when Andrew let us down with an almighty bump! His outdated anti-religious prejudice shows that, sadly, he is as much a part of the problem he describes as far right populists and incompetent government. He essentially asserted that "religious" people just have to go along with western secular liberal beliefs, even when those beliefs are destroying lives. That was poor. Very poor.
Hey Mate, What about Turkey’s PM Erdogan ?? He wants to control the world & fulfil prophecy “the Crusaders v’s the Crest “ . Don’t worry, it’s friendly?
I disagree. Bye.
I don't have an issue with who comes here from where per say, but I've never agreed with giving one bloc of people preferential access to the UK labour market over another bloc of people. It's simply not fair on individuals that have significantly more to offer- to be asked to wait in line for a visa, while someone can get fast track automatic access by right of birth.
Sorry but this idea of more multiculturalism is a large urban phenomena. Living in London it is obvious that multiculturalism has been a good thing. We get different viewpoints, different cuisines - we have a melting pot which has developed something new and something rather. Immigration has changed us a lot in some things but overall its change is far less than the right would have us believe. But step outside of large cities and what we find is in some cases severe dislocation of the local jobs market and in other places there has been no meaningful change since WW2 (in some large parts of England 97%+ of people are still white).
I think there are a heck of a lot of people in this country who will agree with every word here - so eloquentlly delivered. I'm a passive aetheist, a patriot (in the right way) and so disappointed by the bile that spews forth from the right-wing idiots. Hands-up - I even voted Conservative a few times but find them collectively disgusting nowadays - at least those pulling the strings. I don't even debate anything with these people anymore - they have become so irrational. I think you have hit the nail on the head with this post - thank you.
Interesting angles...
Great monologue and summing up of where we are on this.
I voted for Brexit but I am what you might call a global Brexiteer. I accept I am in a minority of Leavers. I want Britain to sign a trade deal with India. I want us to pivot to Asia. I am all for racial diversity. But that doesn't mean you have to approve of British teachers being afraid of showing a picture of Mohammed. Not the same thing. Take immigrants from East Asia, i.e. Hong Kong. These communities fit into Britain very well and cause virtually no issues of any kind. Britain always does things different to the rest of Europe. This is part of the reason I voted Leave. Britain often finds itself on a different track. I am all for a pragmatic relationship with Europe. Maybe a bit closer to the single market, but also keeping open our ability to make our own trade deals etc...
Nothing to do with the un refugee convention. And the un global migration pact then. Labor signed one Tory signed the other nothing to do with Brexit. They do as told.
Very good exposition Andrew. It has given me a more complete understanding of the social and political dynamics existing in this country.
The Conservative party are the Nazis. Not the Europeans.

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