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Interstellar Travel Without Breaking Physics with Andrew Higgins

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Well done!!!
Paul Jazzman   
Very interesting, I would love interstellar travel to be possible; but we probably only have 30 to 50 years to figure out interstellar travel and make this this more than 'vapour ware', before we face catastrophic climate change. So where do we put all our resources? Other possible alien civilisations probably focus on saving their own planet or else they simply don't exist.
Nick Hay   
Space expands faster than light. Your physics are wrong.
Norm Marino   
Maybe life is more than DNA more than all life needs water or NOT maybe rocks are alive but because you don’t think they are life doesn’t mean rocks are not alive!
I don't get how you can get more speed by going into the slower wind speed, who not just stay in the fast?
Alenn X   
" ... spritz it with antimatter ..." is the moment we entered the future. Glad I was here for it 😂
is it possible to concentrate a beam of solar wind particles towards the probe in order to increase the density of particles available for the probe? or for example use the magnetic field of jupiter to sweep a huge area of the space and then redirect the particle beam towards the probe?
clarence spencer   
I love the air of science FICTION that always hangs over such discussions--by necessity. Interstellar travel for humans is functionally impossible, simply because we live such a short time. going and coming back to the nearest star system alone, traveling near the speed of light, would take about 12 years (to include non-lethal acceleration and deceleration time at both ends). Add to it a few years there to look around, and that is your entire youth time of a human. AND that is the nearest, Going and coming back to Vega (the next nearest stop) at the speed of , would cost you pretty much your entire working life. (25 years). Which humans consider this nonsense practicable?
dj DamesWho LDames   
Like we violate gravity everyday
David Brisbane   
Even at the speed of light 94% of the galaxies we can see now are out of reach to us because space is expanding.
David Brisbane   
I think that travelling at 10% the speed of light will be extremely dangerous. Hit some uncharged matter at this speed and your ship is toast.
David Brisbane   
An anti-matter flyby of the nearest star is probably a trillion dollar proposition.
Karl Hill   
Could you launch a few nukes to give you the charged particals to pull in to your magnetic field? As they did to earth.
Frequency Central   
As we approach Proxima Centauri, will IT'S solar wind push us away? Maybe it's braking is what we need anyhow. It also strikes me that to any off world species, our efforts to reach interstellar space are going to be almost indistinguishable from targeted weapons!
PDS Spacetime has a video on interstellar travel. He said space dust and micrometeors might be an issue at those speeds.

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