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Are Space Elevators Possible?

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Imani Willis   
I was thinking about a design for a space elevator and thought that the best design because of material limitations would be an array of rings with electromagnetic and/or permanent magnets. The elevator would be a magnetic lift that passed through the center of the magnetically Suspended circular platforms. I didn't consider the accumulated forces throughout the array, but even without considering different stress levels throughout the chain, construction would be incredibly difficult. But the idea of building it from space down makes things a lot simpler. Given we could get the thousand or so platforms constructed and boosted into orbit, they could be lowered into position from space. I will probably run into infinite problems when doing the actual math and science for this design. But hey it's great engineering practice!
Clara Pagel   
Matt A   
mabye additional wires from 30* angles ?
Clara Pagel   
Christopher Debenham   
Your comments at the end of the video about the reliability of published research are something everyone should perk up about. I've gotten a couple papers published myself, and while peer reviewing papers adds some credibility to research, that doesn't mean something is necessarily TRUE! It just adds some level of confidence! This is important in every aspect of research for people to consider and reason to hold the opinions of "experts" with a measure of reservation.
yea they are
Nick M   
how would the elevator move through the atmosphere at 8 km/s without being turned to ash?
Wayne Adams   
2:12 The string is obviously straight but can NEVER be horizontal as you show in your animation. There always has to be a vertical component to the tension to support the weight and that can only be generated by when the string is tilted slightly upward toward the center. It is the same reason a horizontal cable can never be perfectly straight. There is always a slight sag. As an engineer, you know this.
Afaik at 9:00 he made a mistake. The 5 GPa tensile strength for steel is correct - nanostructured pearlitic steel wire can be that strong. It can even be higher, up to around 7 GPa, although sacrificing fracture toughness to get there.
Wayne Adams   
3:59 Interestingly, we can manipulate this equation using the sun for the mass and arrive at Kepler's Third law of Planetary Motion. This is exactly what I do in Physics classes when I teach Kepler's Laws. By the way, Kepler did not know why his law worked since he derived it by observation and calculation, it took Isaac Newton and his law of gravity to show why Kepler's law worked. Also, this is the altitude at which geosynchronous communications satellites orbit. Geo=Earth, Syn=together, Chronous from Chronos=time, meaning locked together in time, i.e., the satellites have an orbital period exactly equal to that of the rotational period of the Earth, 24 hours so they appear stationary in the sky.
The Great Rainman   
It would be more viable to have Ai fabricating things in high orbit than investing the money in this pipe dream. the moon and space stations can not only be fabrication satellite's but also eventually hold infrastructure for mining in space. Creating a massive economy around space would eventually make it more affordable to put humans in space.
Please learn how to pronounce "centrifugal" if you're going to say it so often.
for example .. okinawa boy invent use fish pole string into rope can accelerate elevator to the space.
What about using Dyneema for the tethers?
Value Based Business by ANDERS   
CORRECT ME IF I AM WRONG - but if you bring a heavy load (100 tons of mined asteroid material for example) down from geosync orbit down to Earth, won't the 'Conservation of Angular Momentum' make this load want to INCREASE its horizontal velocity as the radius get shorter (L=mvr)? This would make it difficult to move heavy objects up OR down.... did I miss something?

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