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Home > Sections from PRIME (former name of HybridP3M) book proposal - useful example #1

Sections from PRIME (former name of HybridP3M) book proposal - useful example #1


1. Blurb and core message

In the domain of project management methodologies there are two main camps: traditionalists and 'agilists', based on the divide between traditional and agile approaches. A potentially new trend is to combine the best of both, a hybrid methodology. There is a market gap here, a real opportunity. This gap is amplified by the confusion inherent to the meaning of traditional project management. It is namely false assumption that waterfall is a synonym for traditional. As a result there is no consensus on what constitutes a hybrid methodology, simply based on the wrong fundamental assumptions. The PRIME methodology makes an end to all confusion. It acknowledges two fundamental and opposite delivery models: predictive versus agile, and supports them both. It fills the discovered market gap by offering a methodology that is holistic by nature and situated in mature environments. In fact, it is the only hybrid methodology with serious process descriptions and that is theoretically sound. Until PRIME, the notion of hybrid was really in its infancy (with PRINCE2 Agile one of very few works, a rather opportunistic attempt). The maturity concept enables to explore progression in terms of organizational development, and, accordingly, to compare the current situation (As-Is) with the ideal situation (To-be). So PRIME is motivated by optimization and learning over time. In terms of added value for current projects in a larger portfolio it provides a means to achieve 'functional achievement', in simple terms, 'doing the right things in the right manner'. PRIME introduces fourteen distinct processes based on corresponding project enterprise sub-functions. These implicit functions relate to an enterprise architecture, a key perspective in PRIME. This perspective, relevant to high maturity, for example enables a better view of P3M interfaces, which are based on information flows between functions - driven by processes. P3M interfaces play an important role in the methodology. PRIME positions itself as an integrated P3M methodology, not simply as a project management method. This means that the context of projects is very important. In other words, projects are situated and should not be treated as stand-alone enterprises. Also, the artificial distinction between projects and programmes, first noticed by the Praxis Framework, is neglected. PRIME is suitable for both projects and programmes.

Core message: PRIME is a hybrid method based on a superior process model, reduced to functional processes that are neutral in terms life cycle dynamics, which generally dictate project behaviour in a rather unpredictive manner, but which at the same time can be extended with life cycle management thanks to an additional mapping known as Matrix 3, for example inspired by PRINCE2, known for a controlled start, middle, and end. It should be added that PRIME has a unique matrix approach, three-fold. Matrix 1 provides a mapping between organizational roles and PRIME's processes. PRIME's approach to project and programme management is joint process responsibility, as reflected in Matrix 1, an agile approach. Finally, Matrix 2 provides a mapping of organizational resources and project (or programme) roles, in the light of corporate resource management, efficiently and effectively executed.

2. Statement of aims

PRIME aims to be the best standard of choice for project and programme management. Current approaches, both traditional and agile, have big limitations. In many cases their underlying assumptions are flawed or based on certain mystiques, detached from reality. PRIME is positioning itself as the holy grail for traditionalists in an agile world. So the starting point is traditional management theory applied to an agile environment. The agile environment, characterised by uncertainty and dynamic, exists due to business pressures. On the other hand, more predictive environments, depending on industry and project type, are also supported. One significant mystique is that traditional methods assume that project behaviour is dominated by life cycle dynamics, which is not the case. The complex system of activity and process they propose is based on work, event, and time triggers which are fixed, and thus, allegedly predictive. This is a misconception as project behaviour is too chaotic. In PRIME life cycle dynamics are less prescriptive. Instead, PRIME provides a set of  processes driven by functional achievement, which can be executed in a more flexible manner, while still addressing normal activity flow. Life cycle management may only complement PRIME's process model by providing additional contextual information on how and when to executed activities. As such, PRIME is a realistic approach, well aware of the limitations of textbook project management. Also, PRIME aims to be a holistic methodology, based on a sound meta-model. Topics such as leadership and P3M interfaces are not be neglected. It should be added that PRIME wants to popularize distinct project roles with unique process responsibilities. PRIME complements the ProwLO methodology for project knowledge management and acknowledges the Project Knowledge Manager as a key role as part of the project management team. Finally, PRIME introduces the Knowmadic-steps technique, a state-of-the-arts approach for knowledge integration (through sound knowledge organization), relevant in the context of one of PRIME's processes with a knowledge management focus.

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