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Reunite the right?: Farage and Rees-Mogg BLAZING ROW over proposed pact between Tories and Reform

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Lukasz Rosinski  
Jacob Rees-Mogg dreams of a pact between Reform UK and his own Conservative party, reuniting the right. But Nigel Farage is highly skeptical. He stresses the importance of the betrayal of the Conservative Party when it comes to migration, as he mentions the boats keep coming. Moreover, as to quote Nigel, the Conservative party was not pro-Brexit, it was forced by people from the outside.
Why would REFORM attach themselves to a 'bunch of has beens,' The Tory party is basically a socialist party corrupted by the globalists and headed in this country by another has been: Sunak On your bike Mogg. VOTE REFORM the tory part are really frightened now
Join Reform Jacob
One of Mogg's suggestions was for Reform people to join the Conservative Party, but the other main suggestion was for the Conservative Party to adopt conservative policies. They won't adopt conservative policies. They haven't for the last 14 years, they are dominated by the "One Nation" wets, and they won't change now.
Or Jacob n liz n Stella join reform?
There are no CONservatives,they are extinct, a very well educated man like Jacob should be able too see that surely???
The Tories are finished Mr Mogg...Get over it!...ReformUK is the only way. Labour are awful, but Tories are equally crap
No chance, the hate filled fools will just fall out with each other other…
Until the Tory's protect our borders, start deporting, and take a pro natalist position they can jog on.
You're dreaming Mogg. 80 seat majority Tory party had and did F all. Conservatives are in a minority in a Tory party run by Globalists.
Sorry I, you betrayed me, 10,000 im migrates, but you are nearly hitting million a year. Thats not even the illegal one or the ones we know.
Jacob, you need to leave the Conservative party
The Tories need to purge the lady out of their party, until they are out, then what’s the point !
The reason why no one wants the Tories is because they're not conservative, that's your problem, not Reform's.
But Jacob,,, the tories are not Conservative. Please stop using that term for your party. If you consider yourself a Conservative, then join Reform.

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